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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Fade The Book?
What are Fade The Book’s fees?
How does Fade The Book compare to other investment management firms?
How is Fade The Book regulated to keep investors’ money safe?  
What investments does Fade The Book offer?  
How to connect to an FX Strategy?
How to connect to a Crypto Strategy?
Can I connect to more than one strategy?
Can I perform any manual trading on the account connected to my strategy?
When will my strategy start trading?
If the strategy is not connected by the 1st of the month can I still join?
How do I know that my strategy is working?
My strategy has been activated, why is it not trading?
Can I withdraw funds from my account connected to the strategy?
What kind of fees are to be paid to Fade The Book?
Where should I send the fee payments? What are your wallets?
How to confirm my payment to Fade The Book?
What if I want to add funds to my account?
How can I change to a different strategy?
How can I cancel my subscription?